Monday, May 3, 2010

1st subject.. done for good..

people says the first time in anything is always the hardest. the first time you walk while you are still a child, you will definitely fall. the first time you ride a bike, you will fall too. the first time you drive on the road alone, you will tend to be nervous and normally, something bad is gonna happen. the first time you have sex..... erm, better not talk about that.

as every semester final exam commences, the first subject is always the toughest to get satisfaction. i did my first paper today. it is hydraulic, less favorite subject, but a favorite lecturer we have for this subject, because he wont fail anyone. although not failing in this subject seems to be the best news ever, i am still a little upset because i did not perform well enough. there are many 'IF's. if i had go through 2 past year papers instead of only one, i would have better chance of securing a C, C+ or B- in this subject. I wouldnt have so much worry now. if i can be a little more discipline in the first place, i wont be facing insufficient time which caused me not to go through 2 past year papers.

though it is hard to go through this first paper, eventually everyone came out from the exam hall with a smile on their face, including me, which laughed all the way until i board to my car. maybe laughing is the only way to release our stress i guess. maybe we just felt relieved because all it's over now. maybe everyone's expectation aint high too. who knows? haha..

2nd paper is coming up in 2 days from now.. to be exact, it is 1 day and 19.5 hours to go. have to keep up the good work tonight. hope other subjects will give me a better result to at least balance my GPA, due to the low grade in the 1st subject.

all the best! and though with so much things to do, in so little time, i still have time to think about you every moment i read through my notes. it is a motivation i guess.. maybe it is the thing that keeps me moving eventhough i am feverish and having a bad bad sorethroat 2 days ago, which last till today..

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